Full Support Package - 12 Month Package

Diagnostic Associates Ltd

For piece of mind and access to all our applications and services associated to the DoIP SST (JLR00010);  we provide a full support package separately to what is covered as default when purchasing the device.

This consists of the following:-

 - All subscription applications (Normally £140 if purchased separately - More details below) and includes the DTC Descriptions and DTC Report. 

 - Module programming and associated setup applications, as well as key programming. This package will include 20 separate Vehicle VINs (Normally £45 or £50 per Vehicle VIN dependant on being Subscribed or not).

 - Unlimited support throughout the year, whether it be associated to our device and it's associated applications or support using our device as a PassThru interface with 3rd party software (SDD, Pathfinder, TOPIx Cloud).

 - Direct support requests can be made from the device by selecting the F1 (SOS) Button (WiFi Connection required), which saves time on having to email or phone for support.

 - Support will be provided promptly (Within UK business hours)

This package is valid for 12 months from date of purchase.

Once purchased your support and associated applications will be activated within 24hrs and you will be contacted via email once done.

You will need to update your device via the DA App Hub to bring you up-to-date with the purchased applications

To purchase a yearly Subscription only. See  DoIP SST Subscription Applications. Please ensure your device is activated and you have requested a Username and Password to access the DTC Report in the following website. DTC Portal

You can also purchase Tokens for Individual Vehicle VIN Module programming, setup applications and key programming from the same DTC Portal website mentioned above. (One Token per Vehicle VIN. Valid for 30 days). Your device Serial Number will be required to make the purchase. DoIP SST Programming Tokens

If you just require some general support only, please look at the Single Support option.
