JLR00010 - JLR-00005-DoIP SST (Jaguar Land Rover Approved Device), used for SDD, Pathfinder and TOPIx Cloud

Diagnostic Associates Ltd

Jaguar Land Rover Approved device

  • Diagnostic Associates are the original manufacturers of this product.

    • New for this device

    •  - Now supports PassThru for SDD, as well as Pathfinder and TOPIx Cloud.

    •  - 'Stand Alone' Module Programming for SDD, Pathfinder and TOPIx Cloud based vehicles. (No need for a PC/laptop or separate TOPIx subscription)

    •  - Key Programming. 

    • - Configurable Activations (CCF).

      • - For piece of mind, there is also a support package that you can purchase which works along side this device. See Support Packages.
      • Coming Soon

  •  -  'Stand Alone' SDD based Service applications and functions.

  •  - Remote diagnostics.

    • This device can be used as a D-PDU/J2534 PassThru VCI Interface for SDD, Pathfinder and Topix Cloud, covering CAN, DoIP and MultiCAN protocols only; as well as stand alone applications that can be run independently without any need to be connected to the approved diagnostic system, TOPIx subscription or a PC/laptop.

    • The purchase also includes a mini USB cable for connection as a PassThru device, as well as connection to DA App Hub for registration and updates.

    • It is important to ensure you have the latest firmware in your device(s) and the latest drivers installed on your PC, prior to connection to a vehicle.

    • The JLR DoIP SST collects feedback session data from the vehicles you connect too.  This data is collected when you connect to the DA App Hub software to check for updates. 

Approved Jaguar & Land Rover Vehicle Application List

JLR DoIP SST (2017 - Present) Service Applications


Description of Operation

Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF)

Allows the Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF or AdBlue®) level to be constantly monitored, and displays the amount required to refill the tank

DPFDR – DPF Dynamic Regeneration

The DPFDR application allows the vehicles DPF dynamic regeneration process to be undertaken to clear the DPF of soot build up. 

DTC Read and Clear

The DTC Read and Clear application reads all DTCs from each module on the vehicle and also allows them to be cleared either prior of after any fault is rectified. Only the DTC Codes are displayed

EPBR – Electronic Park Brake Release

Moves the electronic park brake to the mount position and then releases the brake callipers.

Force Ignition

The Force Ignition Application turns the vehicles ignition on and holds it in the on position for as long as the JLR SST is connected to the vehicle and the application is running.

Oil Level Measurement

Displays current engine oil level instantaneously on screen with a bar graph and actual levels.

PassThru VCI Interface

Allows the device to be a Pass Thru VCI interface for Pathfinder and TOPIx Cloud

SIR – Service Interval Reset

This application resets the service light and/or oil change reset depending on the vehicle. 

TM Toggle – Transport Mode Toggle

The Transport Mode Toggle application allows the vehicle to be placed in and out of Transport mode including speed limit and air suspension depending on vehicle variant.

TTM Toggle – Tight Tolerance Mode Toggle

The Tight Tolerance Mode Toggle application allows the vehicle to be placed in and out of Tight Tolerance mode depending on vehicle variant.

      Vehicle coverage for the applications above, are as follows:-

        - Land Rover

             - All MY17 to current vehicles (Defender, Discovery, Evoque, Range Rover and Velar)

             - L322, L319, L320, L359, L405, L460, L461, L462, L494, L538, L550, L551, L560 and L663

       - Jaguar

         - All MY17 to current vehicles (E-Pace, F-Pace, F-Type, I-Pace, XE, XF, XJ and XK)

         - X150, X152, X250, X260, X351, X540, X590, X760 and X761

      We have developed further applications (2017-Present) to enhance the usage of this device. These will come as an extra cost of £140 annually. See DoIP SST (JLR00010) Subscription

      You can also purchase Tokens for Individual Vehicle VIN Module programming, setup applications and key programming from the same DTC Portal website mentioned above. (One Token per Vehicle VIN. Valid for 30 days). Your device Serial Number will be required to make the purchase. DoIP SST Programming Tokens. Please get in touch if you have a particular VIN you want to check we support, prior to purchase.

      *Note: No support for ISO and J1850 PWM (SCP) protocol).

      **Note : A separate subscription is required for JLR TOPIx (SDD, Pathfinder and TOPIx Cloud) diagnostic platforms, if using device in PassThru mode.

      *** Note: Please ensure you contact us within 30 days after registration of your device for help with setup and any troubleshooting issues.
